Female Pola Figures (Pair)

Price on Inquiry

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Size: 38.5" (H) x 15" (W) x 12" (D)
Material: Wood, canvas, sawdust and papier mache
Condition: Normal wear; some toes missing on one figure


This collectible can be purchased as a pair, or either of the figures can be purchased individually as well.

The Pola festival is a bull worshipping festival, mainly celebrated by farmers in the Indian states of Maharasthra and Chattisgarh. On the day of Pola, farmers decorate their bulls and thank them for their help in the farms.

Pola figures or dolls such as these rare collectibles are dressed up as deities and taken around the streets on the day of the festival. This pair of Pola figures is most likely from North Karnataka or Maharashtra.

One of the figures is missing some toes. Otherwise, the pieces are in good condition with normal wear. 

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